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Stonewall's JACKFISH CREEK MicroGreens actually started with the story of Jackfish Creek Gardens which began in 1880 when the Bouskill family settled down on the banks of Jackfish Creek. Since then the family farm has seen its fair share of challenges. In that time it has produced beef, chickens, cereal crops, hay and milk. Throughout its life the family has adapted to every challenge the world has put in front of it. The realities of the world in 2023 are demanding yet another change from this family farm and we will meet it head on like the challenges of the past. 

The Bouskill family is proud to announce the next chapter in this storied family farm. With the repurposing of the dairy barn into an indoor hydroponic vegetable and microgreen garden, this facility will now allow for year round growing of the freshest greens and MicroGreens in all of Manitoba.  Combine that with a soon to be constructed outdoor greenhouse for additional production throughout the summer, Jackfish Creek Microgreens now owned by 3rd generation farmer Kurtis and his wife Camille is committed to the fresh natural food that is pesticide free and nutritious as food should be.

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Family Farm

Generations of farming with future more to go. We take pride in our country and land by providing you with home grown Microgreens for


Simply call this number and we will get your order processed immediately.

204. 792. 5714

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